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The 5th USERN Congress & Prize Awarding Festival

The 5th USERN Congress & Prize Awarding Festival

Submitted by admin on Sun, 2020/09/06 - 10:04


uring all these years, starting as a junior medical student and researcher, and then as a faculty member, I often wondered, what makes a perfect researcher, a perfect teacher, a mentor, or a leader? Realizing that none of these would make me a perfect human, was one of the most important discoveries of my life.

As one dives deep into his own scientific field, interacting with his colleagues, and joining educational and research groups, we realize how high we’ve built the walls around ourselves, and those who share the same interests as us. We learn not to resist invaders into our territories and to think and behave as affiliates of a certain virtue.

Art, Medicine, Plants, Mathematics, and Astronomy, are all parts of the heritage of ancient, true pioneers of knowledge. The enormity of this prodigious legacy can only reach its true potential when these segments, reunite as a whole and into knowledge without borders. It is undeniable that science today, is unintentionally mistaken for a line to draw boundaries with, a weapon to display power, or a rule to rank orders. We believe that the golden key to this reconciliation, is by the hands of the scientist themselves, by the hands of artists, mathematicians, and by the hands of anyone who has an ability to share what they know, for the greater good.

USERN has been established with the main purpose of peaceful and humanitarian promotion of education and research, universally. It comprises of top 1% scientists in all scientific fields as the advisory board members who would manage and supervise the educational and research programs in their field of specialty. There are more than 350 top scientists, including fifteen Nobel/Abel Laureates, among the advisory board members of USERN.

The theme of the Congress this year will be “Science to Society”, emphasizing the important role of multidisciplinary studies to society! Therefore, different aspects of science is covered in the scientific program, which would be presented by top scientists worldwide. In the meantime, the gathering of senior and junior scientists in the context of USERN Congress would be a forward step in eliminating the age and level borders of science. Not only the senior scientists, but also junior students/scientists would get the chance to present their experiences in science within USERN Congress in the context of “Junior Talks/Posters”. The concept of USERN has been supported by a hundred scientific centers and universities.

Importantly and beyond the Nobel goal of USERN Congress in scientific promotions, USERN Prize has been also established in order to identify the most talented qualified junior scientists in all areas of science, who have devoted their times to science promotion and performed outstanding scientific projects so far! The bests of bests in each field will be awarded each year to be distinguished to the scientific world and to be acknowledged for their humanitarian efforts. The USERN Prize Awarding Festival will be held annually on November 10th, the Global Day of Science for Peace and Development.

It should be mentioned that as of the global impact of COVID-19 pandemic, our top priority will always be the health and safety of all the delegates. It is our sincere hope we will still be able to welcome all of you to Tehran this November; so that you will have the opportunity to participate in the USERN Congress. We will inform you of any updates on our website. Until then, it is from the bottom of our hearts that we wish you safety, health, and peace of mind during these uncertain times.

And, as the final words, I invite you all to join us this year, in the 5th USERN Congress and Prize Awarding Festival.